Background of Additive Manufacturing and 3-D Printing Technology
The 3-D printing (European semantic), also known as Additive Manufacturing (American semantics), is a method of creating a three-dimensional object layer-by-layer using a computer created design. Through the MoU between the University of Embu and Steinbeis-Institute for Material Applications & 3-D Printing Solutions (Steinbeis-IMAPS), Germany, the University is laying the ground work for the acquisition of this technology. Prof. Brando Okolo who is an expert in additive manufacturing is leading the Steinbeis-IMAPS to establish a 3-D printing work station at the UoEm.
The first item in this engagement is to make the University of Embu staff appreciate and embrace the limitless applications of 3-D technology in their areas of work. This has been realized through a Webinar presented by Prof. Brando Okolo on 10th May, 2022. This was an introductory presentation to enhance the understanding of University staff on this cutting edge and revolutionary technology.
Additive Manufacturing Timelines
How Additive Manufacturing Works
The diagram below illustrates the critical steps in the use of 3-D printing technology. The most important step is the design state because the output of the printer is dependent on the input into it (i.e. the design).
Who uses 3-D Technology?
The 3D-printing or additive manufacturing has utility in many areas including but not limited to;
Example of utilities of 3-D printing in Agriculture
How will the University of Embu benefit from this technology?
The University intends to introduce some training in 3-D printing technology with assistance of Steinbeis-IMAPS. The technology is expected to hasten research, innovation and development, and will provide the impetus for the establishment of an Industrial Park at the University of Embu.