Performance Contracting Celebration


The University of Embu held a celebratory dinner on Thursday 8th July 2021 to celebrate the attainment of position one in the FY 2019/2020 Performance Contracting (PC).  The PC report recently published by the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs ranked the University of Embu as the Best performing State Corporation out of 223 Ministries / Departments / Agencies, State Corporations and Tertiary Institutions.

The VC, Prof. Daniel Mugendi thanked the University Council, Management, Staff, Students and all stakeholders for their commitment and contribution to the Excellent Performance Score by the University. He noted that the attainment of the Excellent Score in the performance ranking will go a long way in informing the whole world that even though a young institution chartered in 2016, the University members are committed to attaining and maintaining high standards of performance.