Inventor of the Year 2024

Prof. Jackson Wachira Muthengia is an Associate Professor of physical chemistry in the Department of Physical Sciences at the University of Embu.

Prof.  Jackson W. Muthengia Profile – Click Here

Google Scholar Profile –

He holds the following degrees:

  • Ph.D 2009:in Cement and Concrete Technology, Kenyatta University
  • Master of Science 2003:in Chemistry, Kenyatta University
  • Bachelor of Education (Science) 2000:, First Class Honors, Kenyatta University

Current research interests

-Cement and Concrete Technology: Developing pozzolanic materials and their chemical and physical performance characterization.
-Soil Chemistry
-Adsorption and Kinetic Chemistry:

Has widely published in high impact journals including those by Elsevier, Wiley and Oxford University Press

Recognized for SMART MICRO-CRACKS SEALING technology a Utility Model Published under Section 42 and Regulation 35 KE/U/2024/2724 of 21/06/2024  in the INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY JOURNAL  (Journal of Patents, Industrial Designs, Utility Models and Trademarks) Current Brand Name is CracksFox.

This innovation offers a sustainable and cost-effective solution for enhancing the durability of concrete and mortar structures. Currently in production at the University of Embu.